In February the brief talked of supporting and championing each other. In March, it was about self-care. This month, it’s all about me!
Previously I mentioned a book that has been helpful, The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down, by Haemin Sunim. The first line of his prologue is, “As a Zen monk and former professor at a small liberal arts college in Massachusetts, I am frequently asked for advice on dealing with life’s challenges”
No wonder I find this book inspirational and comforting. Dealing with life’s challenges is what I do. There was the marriage that I could not afford and the telephone pole that jumped in front of my car. In my sixty plus years I have found myself in many dilemmas and disasters. If I am lucky, there will be a few more, (hopefully not as disruptive) episodes in my future. Because living a full life means the occasional calamity.Read More